mechanic working on a vehicle

At Alamogordo 1 Stop Auto Services in Alamogordo, we know that keeping up with required maintenance schedules is the difference between a truck that lasts a few years and a truck that stays strong for decades.

You hear stories of the truck that makes it to 500,000 miles, without any major issues. While it’s true that Ford, Dodge, and Chevrolet simply make good trucks, it’s also true that a pickup is only as good as the maintenance it receives. Behind every long-lasting diesel engine is an owner who understands the importance of proper equipment care.

At Alamogordo 1 Stop Auto Services in Alamogordo, we do it all, from oil changes to head gasket replacements, timing belts and chains, valve jobs, injector pump replacements, and anything else your truck needs. There are only two steps to ensuring your truck is properly maintained; have services done when the manufacturer recommends it, and have issues resolved as soon as they arise. Even small issues are tiny malfunction increases stress on every component tied to the issue, and before long a little problem turns into a big one. Save yourself time and money by having maintenance done correctly and on time, every time. You’ll be glad you did, while your truck provides the same reliability and performance year after year, mile after mile, the same as it did the day it rolled off the lot.

For any and all of your maintenance needs, our technicians have you covered. For the best domestic diesel pickup repair and maintenance shop in Alamogordo, call or stop by Alamogordo 1 Stop Auto Services today.


Thank you for visiting {{businessnameswapper}} in {{cityswapper}}, {{stateswapper}}. Count on our automotive repair technicians to keep your car, truck, suv, or van on the roads longer and safer.

Schedule your appointment today CALL: (575) 434-3119

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Alamogordo 1 Stop Auto Services

2605 N White Sands Blvd
Alamogordo, NM 88310
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location small (575) 434-3119
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Weekdays:   7:00 am - 5:00 pm
Saturday: 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

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